role of philosophy in education policy and practice

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25-30. Philosophy plays a very important role in influencing the strategy and practice of education. Citizenship Educationa and Community Engagement, Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices, Complete Guidance to Submit ISA Portfolio, Urdu Calligraphy (Urdu Khushkhati - Khushnavisi), MCQs and Short Questions of Philosophy of Education. Finally, the student role is unclear in the education process. All educational policies and activities can only be fully understood by philosophy. For a thorough transformation and continuous development of society, it is necessary to make a well-conceived and expedient, wide social action. In the second half of the XX century, i.e., at the beginning of the XXI century, with the information revolution (Hanson 2008) and the rapid development of information technology, we gradually step into the post-industrial society (Cohen 2008). Touraine A (1971) The post-industrial society: Tomorrow's social history: classes, conflicts and culture in the programmed society. Hanson E (2008) The Information Revolution and World Politics. Education is one of the fundamental human, and at the same time, social activities. Kavadarci: House of culture“Ivan Mazov- Klime”. It is not possible to do that without enabling and encouraging critical thought about the possibilities and ways of resolving the deeply rooted realistic conflicting interests of certain social groups, institutions and individuals, and about the consequences arising out of these contradictions, as well as for the degradation of society and the devaluation of social relations that directly and indirectly affect and jeopardize the interests of all relevant factors. This comprehensive e-book details the history and philosophy of midwifery, how current midwifery theory and policies are developed, and the role of education and research in advancing the field. New York: Random House. World Bank (2007) Building Knowledge Economies: Advanced Strategies for Development. According to the recent research in the field of economic sciences, social sciences and philosophy, there is a perception that the economy which is innate to the new nascent society will be based on intellectual creative potential of man and mankind as a basic resource and as a vital driving principle. Responsibility of the philosophy of education, as a humanistic discipline, is to shape the concept and to find ways of rising above the daily present turmoil and social antagonisms, and to focus on conceiving social development based on objectively and rationally grounded surpassing of social problems. Transformation of the economic paradigm can be very dramatic as it was the case with the Neolithic agricultural revolution when agriculture became basic economic activity. Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia, as young members of the European Union, show some improvement in their performance, which is probably a result of their membership in the Union, i.e., the implementation of strict regulations imposed by the Union. Adler MJ (1998) Paideia Proposal: An Educational Manifesto. Nashville: Turner Publishing. Social economic instability of modern humanity, but also large economic and social-political turbulences, are determined by the essential economic and political trends immanent to the current civilization. It always, either directly or indirectly, or less transparently, takes sides in terms of social turmoils. This does not mean rejecting rigor. Toffler A and Toffler H (1995) Creating a New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave. They are directly reflected in educational theory and educational practice and represent the integral, coherent part of society and social life. Finland (KEI: 9.37 ) 4.

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