oopsla acceptance rate

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Dacong Yan, Guoqing Xu, and Atanas Rountev, "Uncovering Performance Problems in Java Applications with Reference Propagation Profiling", ACM SIGSOFT/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2012. Landed on a good job and became a Googler, May 2007. Thanh Nguyen, Peter Rigby, Anh Nguyen, Mark Karanfil and Tien Nguyen - Demo. Authors: I am excited to announce that our paper, entitled “Actor Concurrency Bugs: A Comprehensive Study on Symptoms, Root Causes, API Usages, and Differences,” was accepted at OOPSLA 2020!One hundred nine papers were approved out of 302 submissions, amounting to a 36% acceptance rate. Ghassan Misherghi. Acceptance Rate: 28%. Acceptance Rate: 22% (77 out of 341 submissions). Authors Info & Affiliations ; An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique code of 8 digits. ICSE 2016. OOPSLA seeks outstanding contributions on all aspects of programming languages and software engineering. Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications (OOPSLA) October, 2013; Acceptance rate: 25%; Abstract; Paper (ACM DL) BibTeX; Software. [ Slides / Reported bugs] SPLASH 2015 will take place … ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2008), Nashville, Tennessee, pages 493-504, October 2008. OOPSLA 2009 - The International Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications OOPSLA OOPSLA is the premier conference on Object-Oriented Programming, ... After the final review, 50 papers were accepted for publication, resulting in a 26.4% acceptance rate. (pptx) Null dereference verification via over-approximated weakest precondition analysis Ravichandhran Madhavan, Raghavan Komondoor In Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), 2011. I am an associate professor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University.My research area is Programming Languages and Compilers, and my interests lie specifically in developing languages, compilers and runtimes that support efficient programming and high performance on emerging complex architectures. A paper accepted by OOPSLA 2013 (26% acceptance rate), July 2013. 2015 Haichuan Wang, David Padua, Peng Wu. Acceptance Rate: 28%. Here, I used to have a table with citation rates. Authors: OOPSLA will be held this year in Nashville, TN from October 19-23, 2008. OOPSLA'12: Guoqing Xu, "Finding Reusable Data Structures", ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, Tucson, AZ, October 2012. Acceptance rate: 37% (61/166). Awarded an M.S. Share on. (Acceptance rate: 30/140, 21.4%) ICSE'12. Oct. 2015, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Acceptance Rate: 25.2%) Haichuan Wang, David Padua, Peng Wu. This call for papers is an invitation to submit proposals for top quality tutorials for OOPSLA 2008. Refactoring to aspects: an interactive approach. Share on. How to Get a Paper Accepted at OOPSLA (PANEL) Ralph E. Johnson, University 0s Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Kent Beck, First Class Software Grady Booth, Rational William Cook, Apple Computer, Inc. Richard Gabriel, Lucid, 1n.c. Vectorization of Apply Operations for the Exploitation of the Efficient Interpretation … SAVI Objects: Sharing and Virtuality Incorporated. View Profile, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama. Author: Don Syme. Acceptance rate: 37% (61/166). View Profile. 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering, Virtual (originally in Madrid, Spain) Main conference 25 - 28 May 2021 Workshop 29 May - 4 June 2021 Co-located Events 17- 21 May 2021 Doctoral Symposium 24 May 2021 New Faculty Symposium 21 May 2021 ICSE 2021 Goes Virtual November 03, 2020 The current trends in the global Covid-19 pandemic make it very unlikely that we … But it is also due to a ra.pidly growing community that Efficient Software Model Checking of Soundness of Type Systems Michael Roberson , Melanie Harries , Paul Darga , Chandrasekhar Boyapati. Acceptance rate: 16% (36/221). 7. Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA), 2012 Acceptance Rate: 26% (59/228) ICSE '12. Han Liu (visiting student) A paper accepted by ICSE 2017, December 2016. … I am excited to announce that our paper, entitled “Actor Concurrency Bugs: A Comprehensive Study on Symptoms, Root Causes, API Usages, and Differences,” was accepted at OOPSLA 2020!One hundred nine papers were approved out of 302 submissions, amounting to a 36% acceptance rate. The a.ccep- ta,nce ra,te for OOPSLA’93 wa.s Sdue in pa,rt to a. large number of submissions, a.nd in part to a pro- gram committee with very high standards. The last few OOPSLA’s have had acceptance ra.tes of around 12by anyone’s standards. OOPSLA 2008 Tutorials Call for Proposals Important Dates. [OOPSLA'11] "A Step Towards Transparent Integration of Input-Consciousness into Dynamic Program Optimizations", Kai Tian, Eddy Zhang, Xipeng Shen, 2011 ACM International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications, Portland, Oregon, USA, Oct, 2011. Acceptance Rate: 32% (24 out of 75 submissions). Koord: a language for programming and verifying distributed robotics applications Ritwika Ghosh, Chiao Hsieh, Sasa Misailovic, Sayan Mitra 35th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA/SPLASH 2020), Chicago, IL, USA, November 2020. The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) is the premier conference at the intersection of programming, languages, and software engineering. In Proceedings of SPLASH/OOPSLA 2019. In Proceedings of ESEC/FSE 2019 (acceptance rate: 24%, 74/303). degree in Computer Science, May 2007. (odp) Purity Analysis: An Abstract Interpretation Formulation ConcernMapper: simple view-based separation of scattered concerns. IPDPS’18 (1st round acceptance rate: 38/461 = 8.2%) Best poster runner up. 2. ARTICLE . OOPSLA’s two-phase review process aided this approach, as we could accept papers with minor flaws that could be addressed by the second-phase deadline (roughly 6 weeks after phase one notification). In the end, we accepted 60 of 216 submissions, an acceptance rate of 27.8%. The ISSN of Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA conference and proceedings is 00001999, 00001995, 00001997. Embracing all aspects of software construction and delivery, this year SPLASH includes OOPSLA, Onward!, DLS, GPCE, SLE, PLoP, and DBPL. ... (~8%) increase in the acceptance rate for female-first-authored submissions. I. El Hajj, T. Jablin, D. Milojicic, W.-M. Hwu OOPSLA’17 (acceptance rate: 66/223 = 29.6%) Chai: Collaborative Heterogeneous Applications for Integrated-architectures Submission deadline: March 19, 2008; Notification of acceptance or rejection: May 9, 2008; Overview. Chengyu Zhang, Ting Su, Yichen Yan, Fuyuan Zhang, Geguang Pu and Zhendong Su. Acceptance rate: 40% (25/62). To put it another way, they saw a 33% increase in the fraction of published papers whose first author is … Legend: 1. column = number of submissions (including later withdrawn papers), 2. column = number of accepted papers (full papers plus short papers, but no posters), 3. column = acceptance rate. OOPSLA 2010 - Acceptance rate 27% Short, New Idea and Demo Papers: 1. EventWave: Programming Model and Runtime Support for Tightly-Coupled Elastic Cloud Applications. Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Digitalk (moderator) Ralph Johnson: Comments General The last few OOPSLA s have had acceptance ra.tes of around 12by anyone s standards. ... Grove administered the decision process and led the discussion. Citation Rates of Major Compiler Conferences. (Acceptance rate: 87/408, 21.3%) University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama. Finding and Understanding Bugs in Software Model Checkers. Approximating Trigonometric Functions for Posits Using the CORDIC Method [preprint] Jay P. Lim, Matan Shachnai, and Santosh Nagarakatte Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF-2020), Sicily, Italy, May 11-13, 2020. Home Conferences SPLASH Proceedings OOPSLA '10 F#: Taking Succinct, Efficient, Typed Functional Programming into the Mainstream. The Information Security Conference, (ISC'19), September 2019 (Acceptance rate: 27%) [SuCSES 2019] Dynamic Slicing for Android and Detecting Stuck App States Poster: Southern California Software Engineering Symposium at UC Irvine, June 2019 [ICSE 2019] Dynamic Slicing for Android Tanzirul Azim, Arash Alavi, Iulian Neamtiu, Rajiv Gupta Share on. T2API: Synthesizing API Code Usage Templates from English Texts with Statistical Translation. Vectorization of Apply to Reduce Interpretation Overhead of R. International Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA 2015). Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Nicholas Fireman, Anas Shawesh, and Raffi Khatchadourian Actor Concurrency Bugs in Akka: A Comprehensive Study on Symptoms, Root Causes, API Usages, and Differences, OOPSLA'20: Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, 2020 (Acceptance Rate: 109/302 = 36%) Acceptance rate 24% (63/258 papers) 2020. Jonathan Bell Contact Information Khoury College of Computer Sciences E-mail: [email protected] Northeastern University WWW: jonbell.net 360 Huntington Ave Boston, MA 02115 MA Research Interests F#: Taking Succinct, Efficient, Typed Functional Programming into the Mainstream. 5 2009 Wadler,Findler,Well-typedProgramsCan’tbeBlamed.Euro-pean Symposium on Programming (ESOP) 1-15 (acceptance rate26of98,26.5%).

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