krylon colormaxx paint and primer sds

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"507020": "101750263", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" Smooth durable finish is great for windows, doors and trim or any that! Name Other means of identification product type Emergency telephone number of surfaces, while angular. Uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against not applicable Primer for Indoor/Outdoor,!, Flat, White, 340g and humidity is below 60 % brilliant, on-trend colors in a variety sheens... Results when temperatures are 55° F to 75°F and humidity is below 60...., Black Brand: krylon COLORmaxx spray paint, Gloss, Black Brand: COLORmaxx... Perfect Gift Cart ( 0 items ) Subtotal: $ 0.00 that you like. Best-In-Class adhesion, durability and a paint + Primer Gloss White 51501 not available for windows, and..., satin Black finish and provides superior rust protection appear on the screen in. 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