cfi checkride plan of action

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Tom, my examiner, logged into the Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA) system and began reviewing the 8710 application. CFI-I Helicopter Lesson Plans: FAR Part 91 Edition (Professional Helicopter Pilot, Band 5) 38,15€ 8: CFI,99€ 9: CFI,99€ 10: Visions of Glory: One Man's Astonishing Account of the Last Days: 15,32€ 11: FAA CFI Flight Instructor Airplane Checkride Oral Exam Ultimate Preparation: 28,00€ 12 Show up prepared to teach. Wow—as a designated pilot examiner, I certainly hope not. Decide and execute an appropriate course of action to properly handle any situation that arises that may cause a change in the original flight plan in such a way that leads to a safe and successful conclusion of the flight. Flight Instructor certification is but a small part of an inspector's workweek. A CFI candidate won’t be asked to teach everything. The order of the maneuvers was important as well as to not waste any time in the air. I explained that the goal of the maneuver was maximum altitude gain, but that evaluation wasn’t on the amount of altitude gained. The certified flight instructor checkride is one of the most difficult checkrides there are with a first-time pass rate of just under 70% as of 2017. CFII Practical Test Standards (FAA-S-8081-9B) Practical Test Prerequisites Applicant's Practical Test Checklist Areas of Operation and Tasks . 4. CFI Instrument Practical Test Standards, FAA-S-8081-9B, June 2001 I. We grabbed a classroom and continued our brief and The DPE went over our plan of action for the oral. The DPE then asked which I thought was the most important, we agreed with primacy. Teaching means using proper materials, not having everything memorized. He emphasized that he really wasn’t interested in earning his commercial certificate but still wanted to fly for work. Assuming a CFI applicant is prepared, the odds of passing are much better than the rumors may indicate. Providing adequate instruction 1) Helping students learn a) Learning should be an enjoyable experience b) Learning should be interesting Instead, ask the DPE how much checkride availability he or … All in all, the preflight briefing took about 20 minutes. Let’s address some of the most common ones. This is a small margin, and with that in mind, I recommend anyone looking to do an initial CFI practical test focus more on preparing and finding the first available time in an examiner’s schedule to get it done rather than playing games to get it done with any one particular person. This app is NOT specifiaclly tailored for the CFI-Instrument Rating Instructor checkride. Exercise 1: Explain IFR/IMC versus VFR/VMC Your students will all be competent to fly under VFR in VMC. Tom is a very relaxed individual and I very much enjoyed the experience. 2 questions really, for the checkride am I to assume I need to have in my possesion a nice set of lesson plans? I called the local FSDO but they are closed because of the gov. The CFI PTS The CFI PTS is the bible when it comes to CFI training and testing. One of the trends Tom identifies is the inability of students to judge distance without using tools like iPads or distance measuring equipment (DME). Recently, and based on national staffing availability of FAA aviation safety inspectors, flight standards district offices were instructed to pass on all initial CFI practical tests to DPEs unless special reasoning existed for them to conduct a specific ride. We took about 15 minutes to debrief in the aircraft before heading back into the building. Unlike all of the other checkrides I had taken previously, there wasn’t a requirement to plan a cross-country flight. In this video we'll cover 5 common myths about your initial CFI checkride. While most instructors know to give an endorsement for additional training, there must also be a logbook entry for the ground training given on the topic. On the downwind leg, I had Tom self-evaluate his performance to which he did a good job of. Bring an airworthy aircraft, with documentation, and all your "pilot tools." Flight Instructor Checkride with Max Gurgew General Information ... • Initial CFI For the initial CFI, plan on several hours for the practical as there are many things to cover. If we look at the pass rates on initial CFI practical tests, we see that the pass rates with DPEs are actually slightly lower than those with FAA staff. The normal takeoff Tom performed went about as well as I was expecting. Candidates should be very familiar with the AIM. He shared that he does not do biannual flight reviews anymore but will work with them on Wings Program activities to help them complete a phase of wings. I did not know why so I looked it up in my tabbed Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (PHAK) and explained how aircraft design (specifically a larger angle of incidence on the left wing) helps prevent that. Operations in class bravo . Please login below for an enhanced experience. The reason for him wanting a commercial certificate was to be able to fly his employer’s Piper Arrow for work-related trips. On Tom’s turn from upwind to crosswind, he continued to apply back pressure while turning creating an accelerated stall situation. We spent about an hour talking about instructor risk and common circumstances where instructors expose themselves more than they should. The second chandelle to the left was satisfactory. If the designee/inspector is doing his or her job, then he’ll be looking for you to do what’s expected of someone testing for an instructor rating: teach! Next he had me list off the Laws of Learning (REEPIR). Fuel requirements for flight and IFR conditions. Lesson Plans Logbook Publications Weather: Flying - Teaching and Learning Flying. Choosing your DPE wisely may take some time and effort, but you’ll be glad you did. Overall, the oral portion of the checkride took about five hours where I felt I talked for 75% of it and he talked the other 25%. My first landing at was a short-field approach to touch down on the numbers. For a little additional effort, a ground instructor certificate offers some potential benefits that a CFI may use later in his or her career. The new information I provide for you makes it much easier for you to prepare for the Practical Test and to demonstrate your knowledge and your airmanship to the Examiner on the Big Day. The short field takeoff was performed per the procedure described above while I described the actions I was taking. I covered the importance of coordination in the maneuver and monitoring airspeed as to not get into a stalled condition in the last bit of the turn. • This plan of action is a guide for the conduct of the test to ensure all required items are tested in the time allotted. 91.131. He spent a lot of time in this section giving examples of how he handled his past students and helped them overcome challenges they had. You need to keep in mind which of their skills will transfer seamlessly to IFR/IMC flying and what new skills they will need. He explained that students often find the history of chandelles being a WWI maneuver interesting and puts it into perspective. 91.167, fly from the airport to the alternate airport and thereafter at normal cruising speed for 30 minutes. Examiners must conduct pre-test, preflight, and post-flight briefings. The final normal landing was uneventful, and we taxied onto the ramp and shut down the aircraft. I am guessing 'yes obviously'. I. For this maneuver, Tom again took the role of a student who had a solid understanding of landings but had not performed any short-field procedures. 71- Individual Lesson Plans Covering: Private Pilot, Commercial … Typical Training Day. I then proceeded to explain what a chandelle is and the purpose of it being a “maximum performance turn”. The next thing we looked at was the logbooks for the plane. I have determined We elected to save some time and perform an intersection departure. After coming to a full stop and retracting the flaps, we were offered the option to takeoff from present position rather than taxiing back for takeoff. In order the save time, Tom had me demonstrate the preflight inspection, engine starting, and runup procedures to him rather than teaching them as if he was a brand-new student. He explained that it was important to alter teaching style to the student to help them learn. In order to prepare for your CFI checkride you’ll need to attend a CFI academy. The test banks are similar, so it maximizes studying efficiency to do them at the same time. Consider that weather or other factors can force delays. In another article, we covered the basics of what a CFI academy is and how to become a flight instructor and what you can expect when attending one. A cold snap has California (and apparently the rest of the United States, save Florida) suffering frigid lows; Santa Rosa, where my checkride would be, was forecast to be below freezing in the… This is only about 5 percent lower than the average for all practical tests. He explained that if you tell inexperienced students to watch their airspeed, they will tend to fixate on the airspeed indicator and keep their eyes inside the cockpit. These numbers are going to change again. Checkrides must be conducted in English. If the checkride is a retest, make sure that the notice of disapproval is available. Tom and I rescheduled the flight portion of the checkride for the following Monday. Explain how the elements of Risk Management, CFIT Awareness, overall Situational Awareness, use of Automation, Flight Instructor Responsibilities: An appropriately rated flight instructor is responsible for training the applicant to acceptable standards in ALL subject matter areas, procedures, and maneuvers included in the Tasks within each Area of Operation in the appropriate ; practical test standard, even if the applicant is adding a category or class rating Another big topic covered on the checkride was logbook endorsements as it is a required task in the CFI PTS. Again, references are key to success. I instructed him to lower the nose and take some bank out and when he did not, I took control to reduce the bank and lower the nose to the horizon. He's been a flight instructor at the University of North Dakota, an airline pilot on the CRJ-200, and has directed development of numerous commercial and military training systems. Besides the industry standard FAA questions and answers for the Knowledge Tests, this has a unique “Sport Pilot Checkride” book with a specific section on the CFI checkride. shutdown. He did a very good job of giving real world examples of instruction techniques and how to help students apply the skills learned during maneuvers to the bigger picture of flying. The reality is very different. We also discussed which endorsements I could give without any training and which ones required training in specific areas. Not even a CFI who has been doing the job for many years has memorized everything. CFI Resources Instruction Safety - accident stats in flight training FAA Advisory Circular 61-65e - student endorsements FAA Advisory Circular 61-67C - stall/spin awareness FAA Advisory Circular 61-9B - transition to complex & multi aircraft Checkride Plan of Action Instrument, Airplane: Forms NASA ARC Form 277 - Backup site - slower The horror stories come from the people who fail, and those are the people who weren’t prepared. Preparing lesson plans and then hearing them taught over and over again by your partners will really help solidify the info in your head and make it easier to recall during your CFI checkride. Next, I demonstrated the emergency approach to landing by pulling the power to idle and executing the ABCD checklist (airspeed, best field, checklist, and declare). After months of studying and building my CFI binder as an initial CFI applicant, I quickly realized what I didn’t know and what should and shouldn’t go into a good lesson plan. Checkrides must be conducted in English. Private Pilot Checkride Part 1 . It was a plan, build, teach, change lesson plan, and re-teach again with all applicable subject matter. Your checkride is arguably one of the most stressful experiences throughout flight training; The Airman Certification Standards provide you with the FAA's expectations; Become a Patron! The oral part of the instrument check ride is over, and I passed. CFI-I Oral Plan of Action Objective: Discussion of the elements related to Basic fundamentals of Fundamentals of Instruction, Technical Subject Areas, Preflight Planning. He summarized by explaining that all four left turning tendencies and coordination were the primary “enemies” of a good chandelle and that students must learn how to counteract each one when they arise. When presenting a lesson plan, some applicants simply tell the examiner what they know, but they don’t teach. If I do a reinstatement checkride for my CFI,CFI-I can I also complete the requirements for the BFR and IPC in one flight? Upon arriving to the airport, I grabbed the aircraft logbooks and the pilot’s operating handbook (POH) and setup in the conference room. Notices to airmen (NOTAMs) were discussed along with the importance of checking them right before a flight. The examiner will be using a written Plan of Action (POA) (used to organize the practical test) ... flight instructor available in … • Instruction during the FAA Practical Exam is not allowed. Fundamentals of Instructing. After the steep turn, I demonstrated chandelles with a focus on keeping coordinated throughout the maneuver (I certainly learned my lesson from the oral portion of the test). Tom immediately debriefed the lesson to which he deemed my explanation fine but that I had made a very common mistake he sees often: I didn’t do a good job of explaining why we practice chandelles. We both came to the conclusion that performing the maneuver as published in the POH with a rotation speed of 56 knots and an over-obstacle speed of 59 knots would be an unnecessary risk. Lesson plans are provided as part of the ground school. Beyond that, the questions asked were very practical and focused less on the memorization items and more on what they all mean. The CFI checkride also isn’t supposed to be a test of everything that goes on for days, but rather a sample of the required material a CFI might teach. Make sure CFI candidates can teach using reference materials. FAA inspectors around the country do a relatively small number of practical tests. The number of tests that the FAA will be giving in the future is also likely to go down even more. While some material will be relevant, our RideReady - IFR Helicopter app is more suited for this. While doing this, he gave some tips on the instructor side of IACRA and stressed the importance of making sure names exactly match between the IACRA application, driver’s license, medical certificate, and knowledge test results. I used a model aircraft to demonstrate the maneuver and broke it down into two segments: the first 90 degrees of the turn where bank is constant and pitch is changing, and the second 90 degrees of the turn where pitch is constant and bank is changing. CFI Checkride can be a long enduring task. Many would-be CFIs have tried to play games over years to avoid the “dreaded CFI checkride with the FAA inspector.” Fears of not passing if you take your checkride with an actual FAA staff member seem to be unfounded. I made sure to explain the purpose of S-Turns as practicing wind correction skills which Tom appreciated as well. I know the commercial and the CFI are separate certificates. This training does not begin until you pass the CFII knowledge test with a 70% score. I am starting for my initial CFI (writtens done). Those who can’t do this find themselves with excessively long ground sessions. Many CFI candidates spend countless hours preparing “lesson plans” for every possible maneuver an examiner may ask them to “teach” on the test. Your knowledge and expertise together with an ability to I performed the after landing checklist and Tom informed me he was going to fly the takeoff and landing and I was to instruct and critique him. While the pass rates are marginally different, the sample size is pretty small. Download them FREE below. Finally, I asked if he had any questions to which he replied he didn’t and I “ended” the lesson. The “rubric” evaluated the quality of the maneuver. Topic : Practical application of the new certification standards emphasizing the language of risk management. When Tom came back in, I started out by briefly explaining the requirements of a commercial rating and what he could expect to learn while pursuing a commercial certificate. We discussed procedures and decided that, for a student not familiar with the maneuver, it would be best to perform the it from start to finish using maximum braking and a full stop landing. So then the next real question, is it better to create my own or better to buy a well known existing set (like the Ed Quinlan Anytime a complex or high performance airplane is used for the flight test, the applicant must be endorsed appropriately, and if it has been more than 24 months since the last checkride, there must be an endorsement for the successful completion of a flight review. After I recovered, I discussed the error with Tom and asked to perform it again. After a short break, we spent some time talking about runway incursion avoidance. 2 questions really, for the checkride am I to assume I need to have in my possesion a nice set of lesson plans? For the flying portion of the checkride, he told me to use the CFI PTS to put together my own plan of action for the checkride making sure that the maneuvers selected covered all of the requirements outlined. According to 91.167, you'll need to plan 45 minutes of fuel at normal cruising speed after reaching the your alternate. With a full stomach and full tanks John and I went out to the airplane and launched. For example, wearing a “pilot’s shirt” with epaulets might be considered professional for some but overkill to others. This is where we can help. I walked away with a lot of knowledge and real-world advice on how to effectively instruct students. CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHY » 88. For this maneuver, I explained how we might see this kind of stall during a turn from upwind to crosswind and the configuration we would use (clean configuration with 13” of manifold pressure). Tom stressed the importance of giving clear instructions and suggested that I focus more on correcting sight picture discrepancies rather than airspeed discrepancies. Preflight action. This is only about 5 percent lower than the average for. Study a lot and fly until you are comfortable with the maneuvers. • Areas found to be deficient will be marked as “below standards.” Applicant will review those areas and receive additional instruction if … Don't Waste Hundreds of Hours Creating Lesson Plans! We talked about chandelles to the right being more dangerous than those to the left due to the amount of right rudder required and the potential of a cross controlled stall occurring during roll out of the maneuver. Tom also used this opportunity to talk about the risks of endorsing people for biannual flight reviews. The CFI checkride isn’t about being perfect or having everything memorized before you become a CFI. On to the flying. For the flying portion of the checkride, he told me to use the CFI PTS to put together my own plan of action for the checkride making sure that the maneuvers selected covered all of the requirements outlined. If a GPS equipped aircraft will be used on a checkride for an Instrument Rating or ATP, the unit must be IFR certified, and the navigation database must be current. In January 2015, I was a commercial helicopter pilot preparing for my CFI checkride, and like anyone who has experienced that stage of flight training, I was overwhelmed staring down the mountainous task of preparing my lesson plans. The CFI needs to build lesson plans for every possible maneuver. By giving your CFI applicants a proper understanding and a little planning, you can help take some of the jitters out. A CFI candidate needs to have everything memorized. He thought this was a great answer. In an attempt to try and evaluate his understanding of the lesson, I asked him to walk me through the steps required to fly a chandelle and if he could tell me where he would need the most rudder input. I chose a field to land in aligned into the Eastern winds and we recovered about 800 feet above ground level. Another common failure point pointed out was the required logbook endorsements on retests. During your CFI academy it’s a great idea to find one or two people to partner up so you can teach one another your lesson plans. That means both the ground and flight portions. The flight portion was a very fun experience and I am glad to have had the opportunity to work with Tom. It was decided that the short-field procedure would be performed with the same configurations but with a rotation speed of 68 knots. This app is NOT specifiaclly tailored for the CFI-Instrument Rating Instructor checkride. Doing an AGI/IGI before the initial CFI lets the examiner skip FOI material. Remember, as a CFI, you’ll be teaching em’ green, brand new students. You will have 2 ground sessions and 1-2 flight training sessions per day. He had me show him the required inspections in the logbooks which I had tabbed on a previous day to make finding them easier. You can reach him at [email protected]. I do encourage those who are training CFIs to recommend that when they are taking their knowledge test they also take the tests for the respective ground instructor certificate. CFI-A. He felt that I should have covered coordination more as that is the true performance measure of the maneuver. If you don’t know, just tell me you don’t know. The flight portion of the checkride took 1.3 hours to complete. The initial CFI checkride is one of the scariest checkrides for most pilots. Tom brought up an interesting perspective on configuration and told me to consider teaching students to select gear down soon after the emergency to stabilize the descent and prevent the descent rate from changing close to the ground. Speaker : Mordechai Levin, CFI/FAA Safety Team Lead Representative Date & Time : Monday, June 15, 2020 starting at 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm (CDT) FREE REGISTER. Tom liked that I asked for available takeoff distance and that I checked it against the calculated takeoff distance. But the real test begins a day or 2 before the actual meeting with the DPE. Expected totals (excluding checkride): 10.0 hours oral 5.2 hours FTD 1.4 hours C-172S Introduction (1.0 oral) 1. When things are going well, this moves relatively quickly. Examiners must use a organized plan, typically written, to conduct checkrides. The last hour of the oral portion was spent talking about common errors seen on private pilot checkrides and how to avoid teaching students those bad habits. I stated that I would want to approve all solos in the beginning and Tom agreed with that practice. He has a library of navigation logs with errors such as missing fuel calculations, times incorrect by hours, and misspellings in fixes and airport identifiers. In January 2015, I was a commercial helicopter pilot preparing for my CFI checkride, and like anyone who has experienced that stage of flight training, I was overwhelmed staring down the mountainous task of preparing my lesson plans. After establishing the scenario, we ended the preflight briefing and headed out to the plane. We also discussed how professionalism is judged differently by students, other instructors, and bosses. It is what an experienced CFI would do with students, so they should do it on the checkride. The topic of limitations on solo endorsements came up and I was asked what kind of limitations I would place on a solo endorsement. The most important thing is to stay current on information, participate in the community, and strive to give each student the best service for their dollar. If you start to descend and your static ports are clogged, the static pressure in your airspeed indicator will be lower than the surrounding air, and the airspeed will read faster than you're actually flying, because there's not enough static pressure to offset the ram air. Tom stressed the importance of looking at the actual aircraft logbooks and taking summary sheets with a grain of salt as those can be fabricated very easily. These are just a few myths that can easily be dispelled about the initial practical test. It’s about making sure you are prepared to be a CFI, and that means to teach. Speak with confidence and know your material. This often means that the checkride is conducted with an examiner not familiar to the applicant. During the eights on pylons, I made sure to have Tom tell me if he thought the point selected was ahead or behind the reference line to make sure he was keeping the same perspective as I was. The lesson portion of the checkride took about an hour and a half from prep time to debrief. Tom liked this answer and we talked for a bit about examples of bad instructors and the lasting impression it leaves on students. 4.Failure to use proper and effective visual scanning techniques to clear the area before and while performing maneuvers. I asked him questions on speeds in the arrow to see if he understood maneuvering speed and if he understood the effects of weight on VA. ... POWERPOINTS IN ACTION. Private Pilot Checkride Checklist Part 61 Student Pilot to Private Pilot Only ENDORSEMENTS FOR THE CHECKRIDE KNOWLEDGE TEST Aeronautical knowledge test: §§ 61.35(a)(1), 61.103(d), and 61.105 I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of § 61.105. Another common failure point is the diversion portion of the private pilot checkride. Show up prepared to teach. Even though I had taken checkrides previously (obviously), this was to be the toughest one I’ve taken yet. So then the next real question, is it better to create my own or better to buy a well known existing set (like the Ed Quinlan Tom asked what professionalism meant and I explained that it can mean a lot of different things depending on the environment and circumstances. The three articles vary in the definitions of an action plan, the different types of action plans, and the effectiveness of action plans in the workforce. It is designed for instructor applicants training for the Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) Certificate. Relying on proven resources not only makes sure they don’t miss anything, but also may even allay some training liability. Scheduling a Test Anywhere; ()- I can travel to youI usually give tests in Ithaca (), but I can travel to your location by prior arrangement.Scheduling works best with a minimum of 5 days lead time and even more time is desirable. First question was; what is learning, and asked about learning characteristics. I have determined he/she is prepared for the Private Pilot Single Engine Land Aeronautical Knowledge Test. Copyright 2020 Evan Krueger. • Instruction during the FAA Practical Exam is not allowed. After correcting him and shadowing his corrections, he lifted off at the correct speed and neglected to put the gear up. See category ranking history, ad creatives, keyword rankings & reviews of Flight Instructor Checkride app on Play Store. Winds were blustery at 13 knots gusting to 22 knots from the Northeast; not ideal but unlike the previous checkride date, the winds did not exceed the demonstrated crosswind component. thanks Ace Any FAA Written Test! So why does everyone think that the pass rate is that bad? Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If the designee/inspector is doing his or her job, then he’ll be looking for you to do what’s expected of someone testing for an instructor rating: teach! After giving me this scenario, Tom left the room and gave me about 15 minutes to design a lesson plan for the scenario and teach it to him. Advice for the CFI Checkride. Tom had me explain the endorsements required for a student pilot from the beginning of their training to taking their checkride. During the glide to the field, we discussed why a pilot might land gear up or gear down depending on the surface and condition of the landing area selected. At the time, there was also a requirement that the CFI checkride be taken in a complex aircraft. Because different branches of the FAA populate data for the IACRA application, if the names on any piece of the application don’t match exactly, the application will get rejected and, according to Tom, it becomes a huge ordeal to try and correct them. While some material will be relevant, our RideReady - IFR Helicopter app is more suited for this. The stall horn came on around the 90-degree point of the turn and I recovered with full power and lowering the nose. When don't we need to file an alternate. Here’s the best advice that I can give you in preparation for your CFI checkride. This is false. I explained that, by teaching students to perform rough, conservative fuel calculations for each lesson and having them always check fuel, good fuel-management-related habits can be established. Many CFI candidates spend countless hours preparing “lesson plans” for every possible maneuver an examiner may ask them to “teach” on the test. In fact, the pass rates (including those conducted by DPEs and FAA inspectors) have averaged somewhere near 70 percent over the past decade and aren’t changing significantly.

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